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Customer Success Summit Washington, D.C.

Elevate your CS strategy and get in a room with industry leaders as they reveal case studies, best practices, and common challenges across the customer journey. Gain key insights into CX, customer operations, and the latest innovations that will help you accelerate your career. We’re bringing together the brightest minds in customer success for a [...]

The Customer Conference – London

MEET THE EUROPEAN CUSTOMER SUCCESS COMMUNITYAND BUILD TOGETHER THE FUTURE OF CS! The Customer Conference is the leading international Independent Customer Success Event for tech companies that bring together Customer Success practitioners, experts, leaders, evangelists, and activists as well as SaaS savvy folks to meet, make connections, and share the vision of the Customer Success [...]

AI CSMs: Our Future, or Fiction?

AI is changing everything—including Customer Success, but let’s answer the questions on everyone’s mind: Will it make CSMs more valuable, or make them obsolete? Can AI help CS teams scale without adding headcount? And how do you keep the “human” in Customer Success when AI is running the show? The truth? AI won’t replace your [...]
