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We will be closed on Dec 24, 2024, and will reopen on Jan 6, 2025. A skeleton support crew will be available during this period.

Conversion Rate (CR)

The conversion rate is the percentage of propspective customers (often referred to as "prospects") that make an actual purchase and that therefore become customers. A higher CR indicates greater conversion success and therefore more sales per unit of marketing cost (ie a lower cost of acquisition).

2020-01-18T20:29:38+01:00Categories: |

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The Chief Executive Officer is the top level senior manager who is appointed to lead the business. They are accountable to the owners of the business and to the board of directors, and are responsible for determining and implementing the business's vision and strategy and for providing leadership and motivation both internally to staff and [...]

2020-01-18T20:29:06+01:00Categories: |

Chief Customer Officer (CCO)

Sometimes also referred to as the Chief Customer Experience Officer (CXO). A top level senior manager whose duties revolve around enhancing the overall customer experience for customers throughout the entirety of the customers' journey, and including all parts of the business.

2020-01-18T20:27:53+01:00Categories: |

Business Outcome

A business outcome is an end goal or objective that is set by the senior managers of the business, and usually relates to the attainment (or progress towards the attainment) of a business strategy. By their nature, business outcomes tend to have more strategic importance than other outcomes.

2020-01-18T20:27:11+01:00Categories: |

Customer Retention Cost (CRC)

Usually calculated as an average cost for per product or service. There is no commonly accepted formula for calculating CRC, but it usually includes values for product/service costs, customer acquisition costs, churn rates and general overheads, which are then attributed over a determined period such as the average customer lifetime for the specific product/service.

2020-01-18T20:24:30+01:00Categories: |