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Propensity Analysis

This data identifies the propensity of a customer to act in predetermined ways.  The propensity to buy model tells you which customers are ready to make their purchase, and the propensity to churn model tells you which active customers are at risk.

2022-06-23T16:40:00+01:00Categories: |

Product Data

This is a record of your customer’s primary interface with you, and is a very reliable predictor of the state of your relationship – current and future.  Usually, this data is buried deep in log files and web logs, understandable only to the engineers and geeks in your company (and possibly CSMs in terms of [...]

2022-06-23T16:34:07+01:00Categories: |


Playbooks instruct your team on how to best handle common situations.  Examples include playbooks for handling support issues, proactively dealing with product usage fluctuations and managing renewals. (See Best Practices)

2022-06-23T16:31:11+01:00Categories: |

Operational Data

Operational data resides in a variety of systems – CRM, Support, Help Desk, Knowledge Base, Community, even emails, and relates to you and your company’s day-to-day interaction with your customers.  Depending on your business, it may even reside outside – in social media and other online channels.

2022-06-23T16:22:35+01:00Categories: |

New Customer Acquisition

The process of introducing new customers to your company, service and/or product in a systematic fashion.  It generally commences at the time of subscription or order placement and may continue for up to three months, depending on the complexity of the product or service.  The CSM is responsible for looking after the account and making sure the [...]

2022-06-23T16:20:13+01:00Categories: |