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Achieving Self-Sustaining Community

Customer communities are always on. Customers may span across time zones and continents, and their need for the community may pop up within work hours, at night, or even on the weekends. So how do you cultivate a self-sustaining engagement cycle that keeps the community thriving even when your community manager is away? Best practices [...]

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Vanilla Webinar – Community-Driven Strategies for Expanding Your Customer Success Team

Customer success teams juggle a lot: from onboarding new accounts and answering inbound questions to strategic planning and mitigating churn—all while making each customer feel like a priority. It’s a tall order, and even the most dedicated teams can find it a Herculean task to keep up without either stretching their resources too thin or [...]

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The future of customer-led growth with Catalyst & Totango

Customer expectations are at an all-time high, so businesses require a robust, agile, and comprehensive platform to not only meet, but exceed these expectations. Totango and Catalyst have joined forces to provide the most innovative customer growth platform to support the post-sale revenue cycle, combining their customer success and post-sale expertise and technology so that [...]

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Creating Customer Moments at the Contact Level

Achieving personalized experiences is key to ensuring customer contacts recognize the value of your product and continue investing in it. Join Gainsight to discover how you can leverage individual contact insights to create scalable, personalized journeys that enhance engagement and loyalty. Our experts will show you how data from various sources, including CSM notes and [...]

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Metrics that Matter – Mastering Measurement for Digital Training Success

We’ll be the first to admit that measuring customer education can be tricky—but it’s something you have to get right in 2024. We’ll look at a surprisingly simple way to measure the impact of training, talking points you can use to keep your leadership team on board, and how you can position your program for [...]

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Virtual Customer Success Network

Join the Virtual Customer Success Network! Get ready for an exciting online event where customer success professionals from around the world come together to connect, learn, and grow. The Virtual Customer Success Network is the ultimate platform for sharing insights, best practices, and strategies to drive customer success. Starting on Tue Oct 03 2023, at 17:00:00 GMT+0100 [...]

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April 4 CS Leadership Office Hours

Join us on Thursday at 1pm ET, April 4, 2024 This series is meant for those in Customer Success Leadership positions who are building and scaling at programs at their companies. Whether you have done this before or find yourself in a new position - we all have something to learn from each other. This series is meant [...]

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Practical CSM

Supercharge 2024:The role of thought leadership in building trust and reputation

In our next Supercharge 2024 webinar, we’ll be taking a first look at the findings from our Thought Leadership Benchmark Report and exploring the implications for your organization. 98% of leaders say thought leadership contributes to revenue growth. So, this is an opportunity to gain insights into what marketing leaders are doing differently and how [...]

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How to Rebuild a Successful Community

Communities are always evolving - but what if you need to merge, reinvent or relaunch your community? Hear how Gainsight successfully merged our two distinct communities (inSpired and GameChangers) into one, four product destination for Gainsight customers. You'll learn: What to consider when relaunching or merging a community Learnings and successes from Gainsight's own efforts [...]

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April 18 CS Leadership Office Hours

This series is meant for those in Customer Success Leadership positions who are building and scaling at programs at their companies. Whether you have done this before or find yourself in a new position - we all have something to learn from each other. This series is meant for you; no experts, no panels, no fluff - just [...]

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