There are several types of CTAs, each may have different playbooks. The ones that come immediately to mind are RISK, EXPANSION, LIFECYCLE, ACTIVITY and RENEWAL.
RISK: No or Low Product Adoption, Poor Sentiment, Loss of Champion due to acquisition or company/role change, Large or increased number of Support Cases.
EXPANSION: Keeping your customer’s goals in mind, understanding your joint success plan will help to identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities which will offer them additional value.
LIFECYCLE: Always consider where the customer is in their lifecycle journey when determining the customer’s health and CTA items.
ACTIVITY: Could be as simple as a Touchbase call or email to the customer, scheduling a call, submitting a feature request, the action item will be based on the severity of risk, the ability to expand, where they are in their lifecycle, etc.
RISK: No or Low Product Adoption, Poor Sentiment, Loss of Champion due to acquisition or company/role change, Large or increased number of Support Cases
RENEWAL: Internal conversations and renewal/strategy plan talks begin 4 – 6-months prior to expiration, leaving no less than 4-months to create and confirm your renewal strategy, schedule a renewal review session, address any issues, review feature requests, understand customer’s monthly active usage.
CTAs usually have a defined action type such as “Call Now”, “Schedule a Meeting”, Submit Feature Request, Find Out More or Download This Guide.
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