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We will be closed on May 1, 2024, and will reopen on May 2, 2024. A skeleton support crew will be available during this period.

Onboarding Scoring Matrix

A "quick and dirty" tool during Practical CSM Framework Phase Three: Onboarding, for gaining a rapid but non-detailed understanding of the overall level of onboarding assistance the customer is likely to require, based upon the relative complexity of four criteria, namely solution requirements, customization requirements, adoption requirements, and customer maturity level Download [...]

Selecting the Onboarding Model

A discussion on the four aspects of a customer initiative that influence the selection of an onboarding model, together with an overview of how to use the Onboarding Scoring Matrix, and advice on how to discuss onboarding with customer stakeholders. Four Influencers of Onboarding The Customer Onboarding Scoring Matrix Onboarding Discussions with the [...]