Adoption Implementation Roles
A discussion on the different roles played by the CSM and customer stakeholders during the adoption implementation process. Adoption Implementation Roles
A discussion on the different roles played by the CSM and customer stakeholders during the adoption implementation process. Adoption Implementation Roles
Part 3 of 3 of a discussion about adoption planning tools. This part focuses on adoption barriers and on adoption risks. Adoption Planning Tools: Adoption Barriers Adoption Planning Tools: Adoption Risks
Part 2 of 3 of a discussion about adoption planning tools. This part focuses on impacted groups, on adoption activities and on practical considerations. Adoption Planning Tools: Impacted Groups Adoption Planning Tools: Adoption Activities Adoption Planning Tools: Practical Considerations
Part 1 of 3 of a discussion about adoption planning tools. This part provides an overview of the tools and then focuses on general adoption requirements and on capabilities and processes. Adoption Planning Tools: Existing Tools Adoption Planning Tools: General Adoption Requirements Adoption Planning Tools: Capabilities & Processes
An overview of the adoption planning process and associated best practices. The Adoption Planning Process
An explanation as to the role of the CSM within the adoption planning process, with specific reference to the relationship between CSM and customer stakeholders. The Role of the CSM in Adoption Planning
A discussion about how get adoption requirements for an engagement agreed by all relevant stakeholders. Getting the Adoption Requirements Agreed
An overview of the workshop as a tool for researching and analysing information and for gaining concensus agreement and commitment from customer stakeholders. Research Techniques: The Workshop
A discussion on impacted users and an explanation for the difference between directly and indirectly impacted users, together with discussion on why understanding both types of impacted users can be important. Directly & Indirectly Impacted Users
An overview of KSA (knowledge, skills and attitude) and how KSA levels of impacted users affect the onboarding process. Knowledge Skills & Attitude (KSA) Concepts