Consultative Questioning
A discussion on why consultative questioning skills are important to CSMs, together with an overview of consultative questioning best practice. Consultative Questioning
A discussion on why consultative questioning skills are important to CSMs, together with an overview of consultative questioning best practice. Consultative Questioning
The concept of customer lifetime value (or CLV) and its importance to a company's ongoing success is discussed and explained, together with an example of how CLV might be calculated. In addition the concept of customer advocacy and the role of the CSM in securing increased advocacy is described. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) [...]
"Tenets" (or guiding principles) One to Three of customer success are described and explained. These are "The CSM Exists to Create Value for Their Own Company", "The CSM's primary task is to help customers attain measurable value from using their company’s products and services" and "The CSM is a subject matter expert in [...]
Lists who else (besides owners) businesses generate value for, and why this is important. Who Else Businesses Create Value For Why It is Important to Understand
An overview of what customer segmentation and value propositions are, and a discussion on how they relate to each other and why they are important for businesses to understand and to get right. Overview of Customer Segmentation Overview of Value Propositions
A tool designed for use during Practical CSM Framework Phase Six: Value Realization, for documenting challenges or obstacles that are encountered during the ongoing value realization phase, and for documenting customer and/or solution changes that are also encountered Download
A simple checklist that is designed for use during Practical CSM Framework Phase Six: Value Realization, for ensuring that all the activities that need to be undertaken during value realization are carried out to the right standard on a regular ongoing cadence for each phase and/or for the engagement as a whole Download [...]
A discussion on how to report financial returns from the customer's investment in the solution and in their initiative more eidely. Reporting on the Financial Returns from the Investment
A discussion on how to report on progress towards the customer's attainment of their desired and required busines soutcomes. Reporting on Progress Towards Outcome Attainment
Part four of four of a discussion on how to use consultative questioning skills to determine outcome and KPI requirements. This part discusses step 5, which covers how to take, meaningful measurements. Using Consultative Questioning Step 5: Measuring the Financial Value